What is ultrasonic cleaning?
So what is ultrasonic cleaning? How does it work? And why is it the best method to deep clean countless items?
What is ultrasonic cleaning?
Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that uses high frequency (ultrasound) waves to agitate a liquid. These sound waves pulse through a solution, creating cavitation bubbles that implode with high force, dislodging and removing contaminants from hard to clean surfaces.
The Applications for Ultrasonic Cleaning are endless. Its ability to abrasively clean where we can't see has proven to be unmatched by any other method.
Temperature, ph, detergent and time are all very crucial elements when cleaning with ultrasonics. If one of these are not right, the cleaning result will not be favorable.
Paying close attention to the following helps us put together a specific recipie for each item we clean.
The material the object being cleaned is made of.
what needs to be cleaned from that material and what it is made of.
Once we have this information we will know whether the item to be cleaned requires an acidic or alkaline detergent. We will also know what temperature and time cycle will be the best fit.
With the right detergent, temperature and time cycle, cleaning with ultrasonic cavitation bubbles will complete tight geometric cleaning jobs and heavy duty rust removal trials with ease .
What are Cavitation bubbles?
Cavitation bubbles form from energy – sonic waves create tiny cavities (spaces) within a liquid that get trapped as bubbles. These bubbles are full of sonic energy and implode on impact, releasing enough force to remove microscopic particles and impurities.
Our ultrasonic cleaning systems create millions of microscopic cavitation bubbles per second. When the constant flow of bubbles continuously implode, they produce MASSIVE vacuum energy as temperature and pressure.
Types of Cavitation:
inertial cavitation
Is the process in which a void or bubble in a liquid rapidly collapses, producing a shock wave. Inertial cavitation can occur in control valves, pumps,
propellers and impellers.
Non-inertial cavitation is the process in which a bubble in a fluid is forced to oscillate in size or shape due to some form of energy input, such as an acoustic field. Such cavitation is often employed in ultrasonic cleaning baths and can also be observed in pumps, propellers, etc.
Since the shock waves formed by collapse of the voids are strong enough to cause significant damage to parts, cavitation is typically an undesirable phenomenon in machinery, although desirable if intentionally used, for example, in ultrasonic cleaning applications.​
how does an ultrasonic system work?
An ultrasonic cleaning system includes a tank, at least one generator and transducer. The tank is used to hold the solution used for cleaning, as well as the items to be cleaned.
The generator provides power to the transducer which converts the signal into an ultrasonic frequency (wave). These waves produces cavitation bubbles.
When an item is placed in the solution, the system is turned on and a specific frequency is used to produce the right amount of cavitation bubbles and therefore pressure and cleaning action on the surface of the item in the solution.
Frequecy output is a focus when designing and constructing an ultrasonic cleaning system.
Typically higher frequency systems are designed for fine work. jewelry, fine instruments, optical and medical industry applications. With higher frequencies, cavitation bubbles will implode closer to the surface of the object making it a perfect fit for getting into the smallest crevasses for fine work.
The vast majority of ultrasonic cleaning systems operate at 40Khz. This frequency is able to effectively clean most items across the board. Our blind cleaning tank systems run this frequency.
These low range systems hit hard. We design our 25Khz systems for cleaning large, oxidized items such as engine parts and hydraulic system components. Caution must be used with this frequency as it can damage certain materials.
what are the benefits of Ultrasonics?
Ultrasonic cleaning technology is particularly useful for hard to clean surfaces and material that is prone to collecting unwanted or strongly-adhering pollutants.
In particular, ultrasonic cleaning is beneficial for intricate items with tiny holes and cracks, like electronic equipment, or heavily contaminated materials, such as industrial machinery and car parts.
It is also extremely beneficial for cleaning window blinds, as these surfaces are not only challenging to clean by hand, but often attract dust, dirt and air pollutants more easily when they are simply wiped down with a cloth or duster. Having your blinds cleaned with ultrasonic bath technology improves indoor air quality and lengthens the life of your window covering.
The Silent
Dust Exchange
At the start of each day a silent exchange transpires in your home. As you rise, your heating/cooling systems start up and the sun warms your windows. As the temperature rises and air is circulated throughout your home, dust and particulates are circulated and deposited on your blinds.
The condensation trapped between your blinds and windows will attract more dust and when your home cools at night, the dust settles on your blinds.
Cleaning your blinds with ultrasonics leaves your blinds static free. Unlike wiping with a cloth or duster which statically charges your blinds and attracts dust.